Jared Latigo

I am Jared Latigo, a husband, father and Christ-follower, who's passion is doing things right, doing things intentional and growing every day. I believe that we were all put here for an incredible reason and that our passions are a gift that allow us to fulfill a particular life plan. Also a pretty avid fan of sandwiches.

The People We’re Investing In

It’s recently come to my attention that there’s loads of people in our lives. I know, shocking. But really, think about how many “connections” we have on social networking sites. I guess I use that word connections loosely there because we really don’t connect with them as much as we really should. But the point is that we’re investing our time in their lives, and they in ours.

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Don’t Attribute Success to Your 3rd Nipple

It’s been said that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. And I believe that to some degree. I, myself, am loaded with passion and have a desire to succeed in life, business and my many endeavors. But sometimes we lose focus and we forget where the talents, desire, passion and motivation come from.

It’s important that we regain focus and remember the true source of our power to succeed. 

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