
Pablo Picasso

All children are born artists: the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. – Pablo Picasso

How To Immediately Tackle Items On Your To-Do List

This is going to be a little about a book I’m reading called “Rework” by the amazing company of 37 Signals. Many people in the design and development world look to this company for fresh ideas to implement into their businesses. The ironic thing is that they talk about how to stop talking and start doing and that’s exactly what got them where they are today. Those of us reading the books seem to think that reading them will help us somehow.

And it will…if we actually implement.

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One Small Step to Customer Service Excellence

I recently read the book, Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard (author of Who Moved My Cheese), and it really struck me between the eyes just how crappy customer service actually is. I mean, I’ve always known that when my food is cold or someone is rude in the mall that’s it’s annoying…but I never actually thought about how crappy it is pretty much all around. AND for that matter, how complacent we are to accept it. Our expectations are so low that it doesn’t take much to stand out. Thus the point of this quick post.

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Elements of True Web Design

I’ve often struggled with explaining the difference of design vs. development to clients, friends, family, and generally anyone who isn’t a designer or developer. And that’s understandable as they are not involved in what I am every single day so I don’t expect them to understand.

It’s the same as me not comprehending all the different aspects of construction…and that it’s rare that one single person can do roofing, framing, foundation repair, etc. They’re all connected…but OH SO different. So that said, it got me thinking about the different levels and separation just within the field of “design”.

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