In a world where we are constantly bombarded by companies, individuals and products that offer great “value”…the true meaning of the word is often lost.
Value is in the eye of the beholder. Or in this case, the purchaser. It is often said that the value of something is X number of dollars (or yen, pounds, etc.) But nothing can hold a particular monetary value that is the same for each person.
Take a computer for example.
We all buy what we see is the best “value” for our particular situation. I use a computer for design, writing and networking but most of all, work. It makes me money to have a computer.
Person B over there, works for a company and doesn’t really need a home computer. So if they bought one, it would be for leisure reasons such as games, networking and email. It costs them not only money, but time.
I see a computer as extremely valuable. And I don’t even have to associate a number to that value. It’s valuable to me regardless.
Person B though, doesn’t really care. Therefore, the value of the computer is far less, maybe nothing. So where I would pay just about any amount to have a computer, they wouldn’t really give $100 willingly.
Companies have long tried to sell us that value is something that we pay less and get more. That simply is not true. Sometimes we pay more to get less. In fact, think of most of the high end brands. They charge more, often for less. Better quality? Maybe.
Value is misleading. It’s in the eye of the beholder. It’s never the same for everyone.
I would never pay $1000 for a signed baseball card. I don’t care who it is. But you might if it was, say, Babe Ruth?
Value is not monetary. It’s very much where we hold our priorities. – Tweet that!
Have you ever thought of value as monetary or has it always been about priorities to you?
This is great food for thought. It made me think of where we as humans get our value from. Is it from other people or from the ONE who made us? HE made us in HIS image; we are perfect in HIS eyes. I am working at putting my value on things that are true treasures in GOD’s eys. For instance, how am I being Jesus to those around me?
Oh so true Dina. 😀 Sometimes the less we try, the better off we are.
This is a tough question Jared. I guess I thought of value as both. I provide value by offering a service, or a good deed and not really monetary. This gets you thinking..Great thoughts here.
I think it can be both. Just probably more so to where our priorities are than anything else.
I am finishing up degrees and the value of my computer and iPad is priceless. Like you I could not accomplish the mission without one.
For me, value is about priorities.
Glad to hear TJ. Thanks for stopping by!