
how to succeed in today's economy

THRIVE: At the Core

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. We’re going to tie this whole series together! The goal of the series is to help you understand a few key things.

  1. Christ should be at the center of our lives
  2. We have a purpose in this life
  3. We are living in a changed world

So I hope and trust that you got those…or at least a couple out of this. It sort of sets the tone for what I’ve been doing the past several months here. I’m not a pro at this blogging thing. I’m not an expert on social media either. I’m just a regular guy trying to do something awesome, something worthwhile and something to please my God.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this series as it shares my heart. So here we go with wrapping it up.

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how to succeed in today's economy

THRIVE: In Your Career

Now that we have a clean, fresh and new mindset as well as a few actionable items, it’s time to explore the heart of this series.

For the next few posts, we will go over 3 areas that are core to everything we do.

They are your career, your purpose and your dream. Only when they are all working together will you truly have passion for your work in this world.

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how to succeed in today's economy

THRIVE: Social Media and Real Networks

The rise of social media over the past few years has really taken hold of our economy. And it’s changing it in a huge way.

This part of the series will not be about how to use social media or how effective one platform or another can be for you or your organization. It’s about connections. It’s about extending your true self.

It’s about the future and how content on these platforms will impact our careers and lives.

And it’s about time.

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