Jared Latigo

I am Jared Latigo, a husband, father and Christ-follower, who's passion is doing things right, doing things intentional and growing every day. I believe that we were all put here for an incredible reason and that our passions are a gift that allow us to fulfill a particular life plan. Also a pretty avid fan of sandwiches.

The Case For Passion


Photo Credit Paul Stevenson

People are passionate about all kinds of things. Debt. Design. Piercings. All sorts of things.

We define ourselves by what we do and we typically do things that we’re passionate about. But what happens when we lose that?

We have no choice but to regain it. Or else.

Read More »The Case For Passion

A golf swing, a website and the perfect form

The Perfect Form

Photo by MacJewell

There’s much to be said about the perfect form for just about everything life. There’s research that shows that we tend to pay attention to content if it’s formatted a certain way. We tend to get more out of our swing if we’re setup and follow through properly. And we’re more likely to feel better if we formulate (and practice) healthy eating and exercise habits.

So that got me to thinking about how everything truly does have a “perfect” form.

Read More »A golf swing, a website and the perfect form

Book Review: EntreLeadership

On a basic level, I think Dave Ramsey can do no wrong. He’s taught me and my wife as well as several friends pretty much all we know about money, finances and how it relates to the Bible. I absolutely love what he stands for in life and his business.

He’s built an outstanding tribe and I take notes from anyone that can build something as incredible as he has.

EntreLeadership (affiliate link) is awesome.

Read More »Book Review: EntreLeadership