Jared Latigo

I am Jared Latigo, a husband, father and Christ-follower, who's passion is doing things right, doing things intentional and growing every day. I believe that we were all put here for an incredible reason and that our passions are a gift that allow us to fulfill a particular life plan. Also a pretty avid fan of sandwiches.


Book Review: I’ve Been Promoted: Now What Do I Do?

Normally, you get things regarding branding from me and how to affect your personal brand. But every now and then I stumble across something that is a little out of the norm but still makes sense. This is one of those.

My friend, Ernie Wenk, has recently released the first of several booklets that target those people that have just been promoted to a higher position. This makes a lot of sense for personal branding too, if we really think about it.

Read More »Book Review: I’ve Been Promoted: Now What Do I Do?

3 Reasons Why Small Brands Have a Leg-up on Large Ones

The connection economy is taking us all by storm. We are all learning how it works and many are grabbing onto the future while some are struggling to hang on to the past.

I trust that you are looking forward.

Which brings us to an interesting point in history. For the past 100 years or so, the industrial age has had it’s processes and created the way things work into today’s business world. They have done a great job of creating the world we have today, for the most part, and the infrastructure that has been built worked well for many years.

But things have changed.
Read More »3 Reasons Why Small Brands Have a Leg-up on Large Ones

Boston Marathon

My prayers go out to all those at the Boston Marathon. May we turn to God for healing of this land and actually listen to what His word commands us to do.