Social Media

how to succeed in today's economy

THRIVE: Social Media and Real Networks

The rise of social media over the past few years has really taken hold of our economy. And it’s changing it in a huge way.

This part of the series will not be about how to use social media or how effective one platform or another can be for you or your organization. It’s about connections. It’s about extending your true self.

It’s about the future and how content on these platforms will impact our careers and lives.

And it’s about time.

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being unapologetic

The Art of Being Unapologetic

Stand for what you believe in even if you’re standing alone.

I remember this was on practically ever wall in my elementary school. It was like they wanted us to stand up for our beliefs…but only to the extent they aligned with theirs.

And the older I get, the more I realize the need for us to be unapologetic for our beliefs. Not to the point that we are rude or disrespectful, but to the point that people know what we stand for and can trust that will never change.

Being unapologetic in our thinking in today’s economy allows us to be extremely vulnerable. – Tweet that!

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