
The Reason We’re In Each Other’s Life

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a web designer. I think it actually started when I was about 13 and built my first website to trade my Magic cards.

Maybe before then when I tore apart my families HP computer to add more memory…maybe.

Or maybe it was the time I realized I knew more about design than my high school computer teacher. She was reading the same book we were learning out of, just trying to stay a couple chapters ahead in case we had questions.

It was likely somewhere in there but I think more than anything it had to do with my pacemaker.

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Why it’s okay to let your passion fuel you to your dream

“It can’t be done.”

“There’s just no way to do that.”

“Are you crazy?”

“Just give it up and get a real job.”

These are things we hear. This is what we’re up against.

But I’m here to tell you that it can be done. Things don’t have to be exactly the way they are. And your dream certainly doesn’t mean you’re crazy.

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