

It could mean quality. It could mean service. It could mean a lot of things, but it should always mean great. The thing with our culture today is that anyone can market as premium. It’s a completely different thing to… Read More »Premium

On making things

I recently watched a video of a presentation by Seth Godin where he talks about making things, school, the industrial system and few other related topics. Several things stuck out to me in this presentation but mainly the idea of… Read More »On making things

On trying to find the hard work.

I’ve been reading a lot lately about the hard work. The stuff that matters. Not that other work doesn’t matter, it does, but the stuff that changes things for the future is what I’m talking about.

I can write web code like I write my ABC’s. It’s not hard anymore. It was at one time, but not anymore. So I’m searching for the spots where I can make a difference. Where it will really pay off so I’m not just working to fill time.

Anyways, more on this later this week but I want you to read this. I’ve read it almost every day since I came across it a few weeks ago. Something about it really struck me. What do you think?


From Seth Godin. September 3, 2007. Here’s the post on his blog.

Labor Day

I’m working today. In fact, if I’m conscious, I’m working. That’s largely because it doesn’t seem like ‘work’ today. I’d write this blog even if no one read it.

More and more people are lucky enough to have a gig like mine… work you’d do even if you didn’t have to, even if you didn’t get paid to do it. This is a bigger idea than it seems, because it changes the posture of what you do. Different motivations ought to lead to different results.

Read More »On trying to find the hard work.