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5 Things I Noticed Immediately About the New G+ (and why you need to join me!)

Today’s a bit different. It’s about a tool that we can all use to help spread our message.

I was floored by the changes that G+ came out with last night (actually just a few hours ago as I write this) and I wanted to share a few of my personal insights with you.

As you know, I’m a designer so visuals, functionality and user experience (UX) and all very important to me. Google in general has made strides in the past few years first making major updates to their gmail platform. I knew they must have finally decided to focus some attention on visuals and UX at that point.

Now, I’m certain of it.

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Book Review: I’ve Been Promoted: Now What Do I Do?

Normally, you get things regarding branding from me and how to affect your personal brand. But every now and then I stumble across something that is a little out of the norm but still makes sense. This is one of those.

My friend, Ernie Wenk, has recently released the first of several booklets that target those people that have just been promoted to a higher position. This makes a lot of sense for personal branding too, if we really think about it.

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