Jared Latigo

I am Jared Latigo, a husband, father and Christ-follower, who's passion is doing things right, doing things intentional and growing every day. I believe that we were all put here for an incredible reason and that our passions are a gift that allow us to fulfill a particular life plan. Also a pretty avid fan of sandwiches.

The Reason We’re In Each Other’s Life

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a web designer. I think it actually started when I was about 13 and built my first website to trade my Magic cards.

Maybe before then when I tore apart my families HP computer to add more memory…maybe.

Or maybe it was the time I realized I knew more about design than my high school computer teacher. She was reading the same book we were learning out of, just trying to stay a couple chapters ahead in case we had questions.

It was likely somewhere in there but I think more than anything it had to do with my pacemaker.

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Coming Soon To Problogger.net

As you might know, I’m a bit of a go-getter.

Sometimes too much because I dig myself really deep in and get burnt out.

But I like to think it’s mostly a good thing because at least I’m not sitting still doing nothing.

This blogging journey has been awesome and I’m excited to say that I’ll be guest posting on a super top website you may have heard of…


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